Monday, May 23, 2011


This week, several PML-ers will be at the APS conference in Washington. We will be presenting work on network analyses and causal systems.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bayesian Modeling for Cognitive Science, A WinBUGS Workshop

Announcing a Five-Day Course Sequence:
Bayesian Modeling for Cognitive Science, A WinBUGS Workshop
August 22 – August 26 2011

University of Amsterdam
Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Target audience
This workshop is meant for researchers who want to learn how to apply
Bayesian inference in practice. Most applications we discuss are taken
from the field of cognitive science. Because the workshop is based on
a set of book chapters and concrete exercises of varying difficulty,
the course material is appropriate for researchers with a wide range
of prior knowledge and interests

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rekentuin wins award!

The Rekentuin recently won an IPON-award for most innovative software for primary education!

Math Garden is a new web based training-tracking system developed by our department to playfully train and measure mathematical skills.

Math Garden is adaptive. The difficulty of the exercises automatically adjusts to the skills of each child. This makes Math Garden a challenge for both children who are weak in math and those who are good – or even excel – at it. The adaptive system also makes it possible to quickly and easily determine the level of each child.

You can visit the English version of the Rekentuin at