
This is an overview of the publications of people working at PML. For reprints, references or questions, please contact individual authors.


Baas, K. D., Cramer, A. O. J., Koeter, M. W. J., van de Lisdonk, E. H., van Weert, H. C., & Schene, A. H. (2011). Measurement invariance with respect to ethnicity of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Journal of Affective Disorders, 129, 229-235.

Bakker, M., & Wicherts, J. (2011). The (mis)reporting of statistical results in psychology journals. Behavior Research Methods, 1-13.

Borst, G., Kievit, R.A., Thompson, W. L. & Kosslyn, S.M. (2011). Mental rotation is not easily cognitively penetrable. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 60-75.          

Borsboom, D., Romeijn, J. W., & Wagenmakers, E. M. (2011). Mechanistic curiosity will not kill the Bayesian cat. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Cramer, A. O. J., Kendler, K. S., & Borsboom, D. (2011). Where are the genes? The implications of a network perspective on gene hunting in psychopathology. A commentary on Johnson et al. (in press). European Journal of Personality, 25.

De Boeck, P., Bakker, M., Zwitser, R., Nivard, M., Hofman, A., Tuerlinckx, F., & Partchev, I. (2011). The Estimation of item response models with the lmer function from the lme4 package in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 39, 1-28.

Donkin, C., Brown, S., Heathcote, A., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Diffusion versus linear ballistic accumulation: Different models but the same conclusions about psychological processes? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 61-69.

Dooremalen, H. & Borsboom, D. (2011), "Metaphors in Psychological Conceptualization and Explanation," in A. Toomela and J. Valsiner (Eds.), Methodological thinking in psychology: 60 years gone astray? Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishers.

Dutilh, G., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Visser, I., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2011). A phase transition model for the speed-accuracy trade-off in response time experiments. Cognitive Science, 35, 211-250.

Franić, S., Dolan, C. V., Borsboom, D., & Boomsma, D. I. (2011). Structural Equation Modeling in Genetics. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Ganis, G., Rosenfeld, J.P., Meixner, J., Kievit, R.A. & Schendan, H. (In press). Lying in the Scanner: Covert Countermeasures Disrupt Deception Detection by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Neuroimage, 55, 312-319.

Kan, K. J., Kievit, R.A., Dolan, C.V., & van der Maas, H.L.J. (In press, 2011). On the
interpretation of the CHC Gc factor as Crystallized Intelligence. Intelligence.

Kievit, R.A., Romeijn, J.W., Waldorp, L.J., Wicherts, J. M., H. Steven Scholte & Borsboom, D. (2011). Modeling Mind and Matter: Reductionism and Psychological Measurement in Cognitive Neuroscience. Psychological Inquiry, 22, 60-79.

Kievit, R. A. & Geurts, H. M. (2011). Autism and perception of awareness in self and others: Two sides of the same coin or dissociated abilities? Cognitive Neuroscience.  

Kievit, R.A., Romeijn, J.W., Waldorp, L.J., Wicherts, J. M., H. Steven Scholte & Borsboom, D. (In press) Mind the gap: A psychometric approach to the reduction problem.  Psychological Inquiry, 22, 1-21.

Kievit, R. A. (2011). Het zelfreinigend vermogen van de wetenschap: Parapsychologie en peer review 2.0. De Psycholoog

Kievit, R.A. (2011). Bayesians caught smuggling priors into Rotterdam Harbour. Perspectives on psychological science.

Markus, K. A., & Borsboom, D. (2011). Reflective measurement models, behavior domains, and common causes. New Ideas in Psychology.

Markus, K. A., & Borsboom, D. (2011). The cat came back: Evaluating arguments against psychological measurement. Theory & Psychology.

Molenaar, D., Dolan, C. V. & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2011). Modeling ability differentiation in the second-order factor model. Structural Equation Modeling.

Molenaar, D., Dolan, C. V., Wicherts, J. M. & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2011). Modeling Differentiation of Cognitive Abilities within the Higher-Order Factor Model using Moderated Factor Analysis. Intelligence.

Molenaar, D., Dolan, C. V. & Verhelst, N. (2010). Testing and modeling non-normality within the one factor model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63, 293-317.

Nilsson, H., Rieskamp, J., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Hierarchical Bayesian parameter estimation for cumulative prospect theory. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 55, 84-93.

Rigdon, E. E., Preacher, K. J., Lee, N., Howell, R. D., Franke, G. R., & Borsboom, D. (2011). Avoiding measurement dogma: A response to Rossiter. European Journal of Marketing.

Schmittman, V. D., Cramer, A. O. J., Waldorp, L. J., Epskamp, S., Kievit, R.A. & Borsboom, D. (2011) Deconstructing the construct: A network perspective on psychological phenomena. New ideas in Psychology.

Stringer, S., Borsboom, D., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Bayesian inference for the information gain model. Behavior Research Methods.

van der Maas, H. L. J., Molenaar, D., Maris, G., Kievit, R.A. & Borsboom, D. (In press) Cognitive psychology meets psychometric theory: On the relation between process models for decision making and latent variable models for individual differences. Psychological Review, 118, 339-356.

van Ravenzwaaij, D., Dutilh, G., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Cognitive model decomposition of the BART: Assessment and application. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 55, 94-105.

van Ravenzwaaij, D., van der Maas, H. L. J., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Does the Name–Race Implicit Association Test Measure Racial Prejudice? Experimental Psychology.

Verkuilen, J., Kievit, R.A & Zand Scholten, A. (2011). Representing Concepts by Fuzzy Sets. In: Belohlavek, R. & Klir, G.J. (eds.) Concepts and Fuzzy Logic. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Visch, V., Tan, E. & Molenaar, D. (2011). The emotional and cognitive effect of immersion in film viewing. Cognition & Emotion.

Wagenmakers, E.-J., Wetzels, R., Borsboom, D., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2011). Why psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: The case of psi: Comment on Bem (2011). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 426-432.

Waldorp, L.J., Christoffels, I.K., and van de Ven, V. (2011) Effective connectivity of fMRI data using ancestral graph theory: Dealing with missing regions, Neuroimage, 54, 2695 - 2705

Wetzels, R., Matzke, D., Lee, M.D., Rouder, J.N., Iverson, G.J., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Statistical Evidence in Experimental Psychology: An Empirical Comparison Using 855 t Tests. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Zand Scholten, A., Maris, G., & Borsboom, D. (2011). Comments on the role of the unit in physics and psychometrics. Measurement.

Bechger, T. M., Maris, G. K. J. & Hsiao, Y. P. (2010). Detecting halo effects in performance-based examinations. Applied Psychological Measurement, 34, 607-619.

Bermond, B., Bierman, D. J., Cladder, M. A., Moormann, P. P., & Vorst, H. C. M. (2010). The cognitive and affective alexithymia dimensions in the regulation of sympathetic responses. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 75(3), 227-233.

Bogacz, R., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Forstmann, B. U., & Nieuwenhuis, S. (2010). The neural basis of the speed-accuracy tradeoff. Trends in Neurosciences, 33, 10-16.

Boks, M.P.M., Derks, E.M. Dolan C.V, Kahn, R.S., Ophoff, R.A. (2010). “Forward Genetics” as a method to maximize power and cost efficiency in studies of human complex traits. Behavior Genetics, 40:564–571

Cramer, A. O. J., Waldorp, L. J., van der Maas, H. L. J., & Borsboom, D. (2010). Comorbidity: A network perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33, 137-150.

Cramer, A. O. J., Waldorp, L. J., van der Maas, H., & Borsboom, D. (2010). Authors' response. Complex realities require complex theories: Refining and extending the network approach to mental disorders. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33, 178-193.

Boomsma, D.I., Beijsterveldt, C.E.M. van, Soelen, I.L.C. van, Franic, S.F., Dolan, C.V., Borsboom, D. & Bartels, M. (2010). Genetic analysis of longitudinally measured IQ, educational attainment and educational level in Dutch twin-sib samples. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13(3), 248-249.

Chow, S-M., Ho, M.H.R., Hamaker, E., & Dolan, C.V. (2010). Equivalences and differences between structural equation modeling and state—space modeling techniques. Structural Equation Modeling, 17, 1-32.

Forstmann, B. U., Anwander, A., Schäfer, A., Neumann, J., Brown, S., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Bogacz, R., & Turner, R. (2010). Cortico-striatal connections predict control over speed and accuracy in perceptual decision making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 15916-15920.

Forstmann, B. U., Brown, S., Dutilh, G., Neumann, J., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). The neural substrate of prior information in perceptual decision making: A model-based analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 40:4.

Franic, S., Middeldorp, C.M., Dolan, C.V., Ligthart, Lannie, & Boomsma, D.I. (2010). Childhood and adolescent anxiety and depression: beyond heritability. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49 (8), 820-832.

Frederickx, S., Tuerlinckx, T., De Boeck, P., & Magis, D. (2010). RIM: A random item mixture model to detect Differential Item Functioning. Journal of Educational Measurement., 47, 432-457.  

Gelman, A., Leenen, I., Van Mechelen, I., De Boeck, P., & Poblome, J. (2010). Bridges between deterministic and probabilistic models for binary data. Statistical Methodology, 7, 187-209.

Goegebeur, Y., De Boeck, P., & Molenberghs, G. (2010). Person fit for test speededness: normal curvatures, likelihood ratio tests and empirical Bayes estimates. Methodology. 6, 3-16.

Grasman, R. P. P. P., Huizenga, H. M. & Geurts, H. M. (2010). Departure from Normality in Multivariate Normative Comparison: the Cramér Alternative for Hotelling's T2. Neuropsychologia, 48:5, 1510—1516.

Hamaker, E. L., Grasman, R. P. P. P. & Kamphuis, J.-H. (2010). Regime-switching models to study psychological processes. In P. C. M. Molenaar & K. Newell (Eds.). Learning and Development: Individual Pathways of Change. American Psychological Association.

Heathcote, A., Brown, S., Wagenmakers, E.-J., & Eidels, A. (2010). Distribution-free tests of stochastic dominance for small samples. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 454-463.

Iverson, G. J., Wagenmakers, E.-J., & Lee, M. D. (2010). A model averaging approach to replication: The case of prep. Psychological Methods, 15, 172-181.

Iverson, G., Lee, M. D., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). The random-effects prep continues to mispredict the probability of replication. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 270-272.

Jepma, M., te Beek, E. T., Wagenmakers, E.-J., van Gerven, J. M. A., & Nieuwenhuis, S. (2010). The role of the noradrenergic system in the exploration-exploitation trade-off: A pharmacological study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4:170.

Kan, K. J., Ploeger, A., Raijmakers, M. E. J., Dolan, C. V., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). Nonlinear Epigenetic Variance: Review and Simulations. Developmental Science, 13(1), 11-27.

Lee, M.D., & Wetzels, R. (2010). Individual differences in attention during category learning. In R. Catrambone, & S. Ohlsson (Eds.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 387-392. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Magis, D., Béland, S., Tuerlinckx, F., & De Boeck, P. (2010). A general framework and an R package for the detection of dichotomous differential item functioning. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 847-862.

Maris, G., Schmittmann, V. D., & Borsboom, D. (2010). Who needs linear equating under the NEAT design? Measurement, 8, 11-15 on Kane.

Middeldorp, C.M., Slof-Op 't Landt, M.C.T., Medland, S.E., Beijsterveldt, C.E.M. van, Bartels, M., Willemsen, G., Hottenga, J.J., Geus, E.J.C. de, Suchiman, H.E.D., Dolan, C.V., Neale, M.C., Slagboom, P.E. & Boomsma, D.I. (2010). Anxiety and depression in children and adults: influence of serotonergic and neurotrophic genes? Genes, Brain and Behavior, 9(6), 808-816.

Minica, C.C., Boomsma, D.I., Sluis, S. van der & Dolan, C.V. (2010). Genetic association in multivariate phenotypic data: Power in five models. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13(6), 525-543.

Molenaar,D., Dolan, C.V., Wicherts,J.M., & van der Maas, H.L.J. (2010). Modeling Differentiation of Cognitive Abilities within the Higher-Order Factor Model using Moderated Factor Analysis. Intelligence, 38, 611-624.

Matzke, D., Dolan, C.V., & Molenaar, D (2010). The issue of power in the identification of “g” with lower-order factors. Intelligence, 38, 336-344.

Molenaar, D., Dolan, C.V., & Verhelst, N. (2010). Testing and modeling non-normality within the one factor model. British Journal of
Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63, 293-317.

Molenaar, D., Dolan, C.V., Wicherts, J.M., & van der Maas, H.L.J. (2010). Modeling Differentiation of Cognitive Abilities within the Higher-Order Factor Model using Moderated Factor Analysis. Intelligence, 38, 611-624.

Ploeger, A., Raijmakers, M.E.J., van der Maas, H.L.J., & Galis, F. (2010). The association between autism and errors in early embryogenesis: what is the causal mechanism? Biological Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, 67, 602-607.

Schmittmann, V. D., Dolan, C. V., Raijmakers, M. E. J., and W. H. Batchelder (2010). Parameter identification in multinomial processing tree models. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 836-846.

Straatemeier, M., Klinkenberg, S, & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). Spelenderwijs oefenen en meten in de Rekentuin. In: J. Nicolai (Ed.), Dat Telt: bouwstenen voor levend rekenwiskundeonderwijs (pp. 83-89). Nij Beets: De Freinetbeweging.

van de Sluis, S., Kan, K.J., & Dolan C.V. (2010) Consequences of a network view for genetic association studies. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33:173.

van de Sluis, S., Verhage, M., Posthuma, D. & Dolan, C.V. (2010) Phenotype complexity, measurement bias, and poor phenotypic resolution contribute to the missing heritability problem in genetic association studies. PlosOne, nov, 11, e13929.

Van der Maas, H. L.J., Klinkenberg, S., & Straatemeier, M.,  (2010). combinatie van oefenen en toetsen. Examens, 4, 10-13.

Van Schijndel, T. J. P., Singer, E., Van der Maas, H. L. J., & Raijmakers, M. E. J. (2010). An intervention to stimulate young preschool children’s free exploratory play. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 7(5), 603-617.

Vorst, H. C. M. (2010). Evacuation models and disaster psychology. Procedia Engineering 3, 15-21.

Wagenmakers, E.-J., Lodewyckx, T., Kuriyal, H., and Grasman, R. (2010). Bayesian hypothesis testing for psychologists: A tutorial on the Savage-Dickey method. Cognitive Psychology, 60, 158—189.

Weeda, W. D., Waldorp, L. J., Grasman, R. P. P. P., van Gaal, S. & Huizenga, H. M. (2010). Functional connectivity analysis of fMRI data using parameterized regions of interest. Neuroimage, 54, 410—416.

Wetzels, R., Grasman, R.P.P.P. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). An Encompassing Prior Generalization of the Savage-Dickey Density Ratio Test. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 2094—2102.

Wetzels, R., Lee, M. D., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). Bayesian inference using WBDev: A tutorial for social scientists. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 884-897.

Wetzels, R., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). Exemplary introduction to Bayesian statistical inference. Book review of “Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS” (Wiley, 1st ed., 2009). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 466-469.

Wetzels, R., Vandekerckhove, J., Tuerlinckx, F., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2010). Bayesian parameter estimation in the Expectancy Valence model of the Iowa gambling task. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 14-27.

Wicherts, J. M., Dolan, C. V., Carlson, J. S., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). Another failure to replicate Lynn’s estimate of the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 155-157.

Wicherts, J. M. & Dolan, C. V. (2010). Measurement invariance in confirmatory factor analysis; An illustration using IQ test performance of minorities. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 29 (3), 39-47.

Wicherts, J. M., Dolan, C. V., Carlson, J. S., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). Raven’s test performance of sub-Saharan Africans; mean level, psychometric properties, and the Flynn Effect. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 135-151.

Wicherts, J. M., Dolan, C. V., & Van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). A systematic literature review of the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans. Intelligence, 38, 1-20.

Wicherts, J. M., & Vorst, H. C. M. (2010). The relation between specialty choice of psychology students and their interests, personality, and cognitive abilities. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(5), 494-500.

Wicherts, J. M., Borsboom, D., & Dolan, C. V. (2010). Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples around 3,000 years B.C. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 104-106.

Wicherts, J. M. & Vorst, H. C. M. (2010). The relation between specialty choice of psychology students and their interests personality and cognitive abilities. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 494-500.

Wicherts, J. M., Borsboom, D., & Dolan, C. V. (2010). Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 91-96.

Wicherts, J. M., Dolan, C. V., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2010). The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers. Intelligence, 38, 30-37.

Wilbrink, B., Borsboom, D., & Couzijn, M. (2010). Spelling, grammatica, en interpunctie meebeoordelen op examens? [Should spelling and grammar be judged in exams?] Examens, 3, 5-9.